
Our SPAR brand fresh chicken is raised to Red Tractor Farm Assurance standards.
All our SPAR own brand fresh, unprocessed chicken sold in England, Scotland and Wales is British – certified to the Red Tractor farm assurance scheme. The scheme standards cover requirements on housing conditions, stocking densities, feed and water, animal health and veterinary controls. The Red Tractor Scheme is a whole chain assurance scheme which means standards also apply to parent stock, transport and processing. All stages of the Red Tractor supply chain, including farms are independently inspected to ensure standards are maintained.
Red Tractor chicken is fully traceable which means that all our products can be traced back to farms in the UK. The birds are given a healthy, balanced diet, clean water, comfortable temperature and fresh air in well-lit surroundings with good space for movement - all of which contribute to high standards of welfare for the birds.