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SPAR Supermarket Price Match

SPAR Supermarket Price Match

In a world where every penny counts, we understand the importance of stretching hard-earned money further.

At the heart of our commitment to customer value, we proudly launch Supermarket Price Match*. As the name suggests, we're stepping up to the plate, ready to match the prices of trusted everyday essentials against those of Tesco Supermarket.

*Our Supermarket Price Match may not be available within your store. For more information please ask your store manager. If you have any further questions please contact us.

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Prices checked weekly, matched products may vary over time. Matched price data is provided by a third party from online pricing publically available (from selected Tesco stores excluding Express and NI stores), there may be regional variations that are not accounted for in this pricing. A full list of products currently being price matched can be found at the “Find out more” link above, as can the relevant pricing from and matching calculation (i.e. where volume/quantity differs). Product availability may vary by store.

SPAR Supermarket Price Match product prices matched and checked on closest equivalent product. SPAR own label products are matched against Tesco own label products, and where branded products are price matched it will be against the same brand or an equivalent brand (if the same brand is not available in both SPAR and Tesco). Prices matched pro rata where there is a difference in volume/quantity of the matched products.

Matched price is the price available without conditions to get that price (for example, multi-buy and loyalty scheme prices are excluded). If a product is on promotion without conditions to obtain the promotion price then the price matched will be the promotion price. Matched prices may not mean it is the lowest price offered by SPAR recently, it is a claim that the price is being matched as at the date of the claim.