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SPAR NI double donations for Tearfund

SPAR, EUROSPAR and ViVO brands in Northern Ireland, will double donations made instore and online for Tearfund this winter in its latest appeal.

Tearfund’s Seeds of Hope campaign launched with Henderson’s (who run SPAR NI) on November 16, and will seek to raise £200,000, which will be doubled to £400,000 to support Tearfund’s work around the world. For example, £400,000 could provide over 5000 households, in some of the world’s poorest communities, with the vital training needed to overcome hunger and lift themselves out of poverty. For every £1 donated in store, SPAR, EUROSPAR and ViVO will match it – including any donations made online. “I visited Uganda in 2018 with Tearfund, and the families we visited don’t want handouts, they just want the opportunity to be able to learn new skills and provide for their families,” said Bronagh Luke, head of corporate marketing at Henderson Group.

“We appreciate that this year has been exceptionally difficult for all, more so those countries who are living in poverty, so we will be ensuring our shoppers know how they can help us give the gift of life this Christmas so those families don’t go hungry; £4 doubled could provide enough weather-proof seeds to grow crops and help feed a family. The 2020 campaign will be communicated across our promotional leaflets dropped into all homes across Northern Ireland, while in-store shelf cards will highlight the campaign throughout our store network. We have also invested in a series of print and digital ads.”

Shoppers can donate via the canisters in store, or online right up until December 31.

Glen Mitchell, Tearfund’s NI director, said: “We are so glad to be running the Seeds of Hope campaign this year. Donations received will make a tremendous difference in the lives of people like Alaya and her family. For 11 months of the year, they are hungry – surviving on just one meal a day. Alaya and her husband, Bazwell, often go without food so their children have a little bit more. Alaya’s family go hungry because the weather patterns that have guided generations of farming have changed. It’s putting everyone at risk of sickness and starvation. Frequent flooding is bringing deadly diseases. The floods keep damaging Alaya’s home and washing away the little food they have. And her crops are failing again and again. With help from Tearfund’s local partner, Alaya and Bazwell will learn new ways to farm the land in these tough conditions. Through planting trees, introducing new farming techniques and seeds that will withstand the weather, change is coming to their community and they will be able to feed their family. Training like this is saving lives around the world and lifting people out of poverty. Thanks to the generosity of the people of Northern Ireland, people like Alaya and her family now have hope. Thank you.”

To learn more about the campaign, visit

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